Woodland / Hedgerow Foraging (Greens)

The most abundant edible plants are usually woodland residents. Wild garlic, nettles, dandelions, navelwort and sorrel being the most common and widely recognised. 

There is a variety of flavours to be found within the woods, as previously discussed when talking about salt marsh foraging, where they are found has everything to do with the flavour.

For example, if we've had a wet spring, the navelwort will have an extra juiciness to them and the wild garlic a crisper texture and milder taste. 

Towards the end of spring the flavours change again as the plants mature and flower or seed. 

The garlic mustard becomes almost inedible with bitterness once the flowers appear (if cooked) so it's best to use it raw after it flowers. 

So here are my favourite woodland plants and generally what I look for when I go foraging in these kind of environments. I was on the fence about including dock leaves too as I haven't really gotten on with them yet and much more experimentation in the kitchen is needed. 

Spring bouquet of woodland plants

Wild garlic


Garlic Mustard


Common sorrel

Wood Sorrel




Hedge bindweed

Sow thistles 


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