Sea Purslane
Halimione Portulacoides
Buttered Sea Purslane
The key with this delicious marsh land plant is simplicity. It packs a whole load of flavour, saltiness and crunch so for this I used the same method as I would with spinach- wilted with butter, a dash of olive oil and black pepper.
When picking ensure you only take the top 4-5 cm as the stems get woody further down the plant and wash them thoroughly as they usually grow in places that flood and you there can be contaminants in the waters.
You can eat it raw too and it works well in salads, I can image it would be a nice addition to a crab mayonnaise sandwich too.
I picked a whole load of this stuff as it was abundant in the area so am planning on pickling the rest which I will post about when I finally get my hands on some good quality white wine vinegar.
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