Pickled Sea Purslane

The last of my mega sea purslane stash! 

Let me explain, I foraged my sea purslane from a place that is about 45 minutes from my house. Being the broke person that I am and realising that this stuff is bloody delicious I figured that I should take enough of the stuff to play around with it and try different recipes and also save on petrol. 

Some was eaten raw, some made into hummus, some blanched and buttered, added to various pasta dishes and the rest, well why wouldn't I pickle it? 
Here it is, pickled with fennel seed, celery seed and peppercorns. I love the combination as it cuts through the sickly sweet pickling liquor and compliments the natural saltiness of the sea purslane.

500ml bottle of white wine vinegar 
2 tablespoons sugar 
1 teaspoons black peppercorns
1 teaspoon celery seeds 
1 teaspoon fennel seeds 

Wash and dry your sea purslane and place into your jar. 

Heat the ingredients up in a pan until the sugar melts.

Pour over your sea purslane.

Put the lid on the jar and turn it upside down for about 1/2 an hour so it seals.


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