Plantain Crisps

Greater/Broadleaf Plantain, Plantago major

Not to be confused with the giant green Caribbean banana that shares it's name! 
These mushroomy/earthy flavoured leaves make an excellent substitute for kale when making green veggie crisps. 
Above, I have decided to coat mine with smoked paprika, salt, pepper and ground fennel seeds as flavourings but you can alter this to your taste.

  1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees celcius
  2. Wash and dry your plantain leaves, removing most of the stalk as it will take longer to cook.
  3. Place them in a bowl with your chosen flavourings, add olive oil and massage into the leaves.
  4. Spread them out evenly on baking parchment on an oven tray.
  5. Cook for 5 minutes (keep an eye on them though, they may need turning half way through)
  6. When they are crisp, remove from the oven and cool.

My first attempt- I learnt my lesson from cooking them for a little too long!


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