The Perils of Pastry

So after a long time of being unemployed and enjoying the hedonistic lifestyle of foraging and cooking fresh wild plants with no money in the bank and barely scraping by to pay the bills and rent, covered by my wonderful partner, I am back to being a pastry chef (the one section I really can't master in the kitchen) It got me thinking, there must be a way to incorporate my foraging into it, maybe sparking my interest in work (doubtful!) 

From being a head chef and having the freedom to incorporate whatever had inspired me that week into the menu, I feel like I have been creatively castrated. 

HOWEVER! Inspiration did strike, and although I have absolutely no power to influence the menu in my current work, I have been baking at home. 

Elderflower, pear and macadamia cake, orange and lavender cake and lemon and thyme cake. You can see a theme right? My partner got sick of me 'ruining' cakes with flowers and herbs, but then I thought, a gorse flower, baileys and amaretto creme brulee?! Perhaps a way to change his mind...  

I will post recipes when I have a little more time as those long, mind numbing kitchen shifts are really shafting my inspiration at the moment. 

In the mean time, here is my orange and lavender 'bomb' 


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