Pickled Wild Garlic Buds

Wild garlic is everywhere around me at the moment, from hedgerows to the woodlands, even driving past it you can smell the pungency of the herb. I can't say that a single day has gone by in the past 2 weeks that I haven't used it in a dish in one way or another. Definitely one of the most well known wild foods, but also one of my favourites. 
This year I decided to try different ways of cooking it as before now I think I've only ever used it in soup and pesto (which are both wonderful, but there's so much more to it). 
I am embarrassed to say that before today I haven't pickled anything in my life, save a batch of piccalilli from my days as a head chef trying to keep my GP down, but after a day in the sunshine spent with my mother harvesting wild garlic buds, I had to try it out of pure curiosity and what the hell else am I meant to do with a carrier bag full of the things?! There's only so much salad one girl can eat. 
Alas, a trip to Lidl got me a whole load of cheap vinegar for 29p a bottle, I know malt vinegar isn't the best vinegar to use for the job but I figured if I messed it up, at least it wouldn't have cost me over £2 to make. Plus I'm one of these people that has to mess up a couple of times just to get it right. 
For the spices, I decided on the standard mustard seeds and black peppercorns as the garlic flavour would speak for itself in a lot of respects and I didn't want to overpower it.

So I basically put 4 bottles of vinegar into a pan with the rest of a bag of sugar I had (I'm terrible for not measuring things...) with a handful of mustard seeds and a handful of peppercorns and brought it to the boil. Put the garlic buds in a few screw to jars, you can use mason jars too but that's really up to you. Mine were free because my parents hoard them for their annual batch of tomato passata. Once the vinegar, spice and sugar mix has come to a boil, pour it over the buds and screw the lids on. 

I had some vinegar left over and a pack of closed cup mushrooms too and I really couldn't help myself so I pickled them too along with celeriac ribbons and wild garlic leaves. INTERESTING! Perhaps disgusting....I will let you know.

Bollocks to any pretentious chefs, cooking is all about experimenting and having fun, but more importantly cooking to your own tastes (if you're cooking for yourself obviously) So figure out what flavours you like and enjoy.



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