Carrot, Wild Corriander and Rock Samphire Soup
I've been racking my brains trying to come up with a way to use rock samphire without that pungent hit of flavour that eating it on its own tends to supply.
So it got me thinking, being a part of the carrot family, perhaps it would just enhance to flavour of carrot in a carrot and corriander soup?
Not only does it do exactly that but it also gives it a wonderful wild flavour that's just like the classic soup but a little more concentrated.
3 Carrots
Handful Rock Samphire
1 Medium Onion
Handful Sea Arrowgrass Stems
4 Seed heads worth of Sea Arrowgrass seeds
Vegetable Stock
Butter (optional)
Olive oil
Black pepper
Sea Salt
- Peel, dice and sautee carrots and onion in hot olive oil until transparent.
- Add black tumeric, sea arrowgrass, stock, butter, black pepper and salt to taste.
- Bring to the boil and add your rock samphire,
- Simmer until carrots are tender, add half of the sea arrowgrass seeds and blend until smooth.
- Use remaining sea arrowgrass seeds as a garnish.
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