What can I forage in January/February?
Alexanders, smyrnium olusatrum
It's not quite spring, yet there are no chestnuts, hawberries, mugwort, sloes or cobnuts left. So what's about to forage this time of year?
Because we've had such a mild winter here in the UK it seems that spring plants are appearing a little earlier than usual, there is plenty to find.
Here's what I've been picking this month:
Dandelion leaves
Sow thistles
Wild mustard shoots
Wild Cress (Hairy Bittercress)
Alexander stems
Hogweed Shoots and unfurled flower buds
Crow Garlic
Common Sorrel
Wild Fennel
Three Cornered Leek
Rock samphire
Sea beet
Garlic Mustard
Fools Watercress
Wood Avens
Dead Nettles
Wood Sorrel
Greater Plantain
There is plenty to find and eat so don't sit inside waiting for spring!
A few general things to take into consideration though:
- Don't ever forage for Alexanders, hogweed or any other member of the carrot family without being 110% certain that you can identify it, it could cost you your life.
- Never eat fools watercress, true watercress or any other plants that grow at freshwater level raw, you are putting yourself at risk of being infected by liver fluke (mainly if it grows within slow moving water but best to avoid it altogether) The parasite is killed at high temperatures so always cook it before consumption.
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